er Ress







an unhurried view of


book written by Ralph Ginzburg introduction by Dr. Theodor Reik preface by George Jean Nathan

This is one of the few books ever published with the basic facts about erotic literature

It includes lengthy excerpts from leading works of clamical erotic Nterature in bbrary Rare Book Rooms and on Restricted Shelves It tells about the collections of the late J. P. Morgan, the British Mə srum, the Vabcas Library, the Bibliotheque Nationale, the Library of Congrem, the New York Public Library, the late Dr. Kirary and the Ivy League college libraries.

Dr. Theodor Rek, one of the world's renowned psychoanalysis, says ɗf AN UNHURRIED VIEW OF EROTICA. "The material here presented will be of great interest to the prychologist and the psychiatrist, to the sociologist and Enstorian of civilization, and last, but not least, to the connoisseur of literature. Also, the babbophule will find maty data unknown to all, about publications and collections of erotica. We welcome this courageous book that presents a valuable piece of conscientious research® George Jean Nathan, the eminent critic, wrote the Preface to this book just before ha recent death. Beautifully designed, handsomely prinsed, elegantly bound and boxed in a permanent slip case.



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(AN EDITORIAL) Five years ago in Los Angeles, a promInent Southem California psychiatrist ad dressed a convention banquet of the Matt achine Society and advised members and leaders of the organization to regard them selves as parents of a baby new to the social scene, but one who could, never theless, grow up to be a "useful citizen respected by society, or a renegade which society will never accept.'


sistance and social services for the publie that have reached many thousands of persons. This achievement has has been attained without fanfare. Although not secret in any sense, the organization has successfully avoided sensational publicity. Over the Labor Day weekend this year, The Mottochine Society, Inc., has scheduled its Fifth Annual Convention in New York City. With a day-long session of for ums and addresses from experts whose At the time, the Mattachine Idea was a professional work is directly concemed limle over three years old. It had prowith problems of varied sexual behavior, grossed through a turbulent development and with an annual business meeting at In semi-secrecy as the Mattachine Founwhich the membership heard reports of the dation, coming forth as the hopeful brainfive operating departments of the Society, child of a group of some seven or eight another milestone has been reached by leaders who possessed dynamic leadership this unique organization, a milestone and organizational ability. It had seen in which closely marks the beginning of the terest surge over the sprawling Southem Society's ninth year of existence from the California metropolis, then up to the days of the initial concept of the MattaSon Francisco Bay region, and had witchine idea. nessed serious questioning from those who belleved in this Mattachine Idea, because the newcomers didn't know who was behind the movement and why. (Senate Investigations were in vogue then.) Pressure from the growing membership demanded a democratic, chartered organization, duly constituted and with leaders who were known. Thus the Mattachine Society be came the formal organization which replaced the previously chartered Foundation. Today the Society has spread with small units located across the nation, but its membership total is still under 200. This results in wasted human lives, Nonetheless, It has made Important strides tragedy and unhappiness which society In educational publications, discussion can ill afford. And this is the very enigma forums, Individual counseling, legal asMattachine is seeking to solve.

Every year sees an evolving and a more complete definition of this idea. Whil. this idea attacks ancient anti-sexual attitudes that are still prevalent in Westem cultures, it nevertheless declares that the concept of homosexuality as a disease is unacceptable; rather, it holds that this behavior orientation is one of the pheno mena of nature, and one which society as yet has been unable to understand and loath to permit those whose personalities fall into this category to make their fullest contribution for mankind.


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